How can social media ruin a business?
Currently one of the most common tools to publicize your business are: "social networks" These platforms are ideal for companies seeking to be recognized and have active customers.
But, just as they can be an advantage, they can also be your
undoing. How to control them? Here are some key tips.
False content
In the midst of so much information, false news is very
common, networks like Facebook or Twitter are trying to combat it. But it is
your duty to take care of your content; It is vital not to impart information
that is not truthful as this can destroy the trust that customers have in your
brand in just a few minutes.

When you stop sharing content to your website, be it
publications such as: promotions, videos, tweets, actions, etc. Your followers
stop following your footsteps, and they will easily find other content to
supplant yours. Today the Internet has so much information that without them
looking for it, it will still provide it.
Regular updates allow a continuous connection between
followers and the brand, it will not be just a business relationship where they
have to give money in return, but an intimate and personal level.
If day go by and you do not respond to their comments,
questions, or complaints, they will lose confidence and take a bad image of
your business, not wanting to return.
Communication is the key in social networks and your business
People are not just requesting a service, or a product. They
are also buying an experience. And you can achieve that with the treatment you
provide from the beginning. Listening to your customers is vital; even when
they may not buy from you, they will remember you for the attention, and they
will comment on it with others.
In the event of a bad experience, listening carefully is not
enough. Make sure that some action plan is carried out to address their
complaint, and that they understand that this concerns you and you want to
attend to it as soon as possible.
Always be positive
Take advantage of opportunities to express in positive words
how important your customers are. A tool that you may be able to use is
“QuestionPro” a survey platform where your clients can share their opinion
If your followers start to see you as a spammer who is only
trying to sell their products or services, they will run away from you. so you
will only get a bad reputation for your brand.
The best option is to offer people content that interests
them and captures their attention, although it may not be related to your
products or services. Try to make useful posts.
Do not steal content from other social networks
Although it is not bad to try ideas that have worked for
others and can make you grow, do not copy the content that others have already
published, try to be original and trustworthy with those who need your services
or products.
That way you will not only get buyers, but loyal followers
who will give good references, helping you get more customers. If someone who
does not know you is interested in what you offer, analyze your business, but
also others, looking for the best option, what will happen when they see the
same publications on different pages?